When I am in New York, I'm guaranteed a smile. Sometimes it's from the owner of a Ray's Pizza joint or the toothless grandma watching fast-walkers or a Brooklyn cutie peeking over his Bulgakov novel.
Somehow the weight of world dissipates when I'm visiting this bright city even on a cold January day.
New York tends to be thought of as the major incubator of creativity, its the driving force of art and architecture, writing, fashion and music. Always taking us in dynamic and innovative directions. New York is our connection with the rest of the world to the art scene.
Looking at any New York event calendar, you will find traveling art exhibits, speakeasies, creative dining, to live performances, and film happenings, it's surprising that so much can go on in one city all the time.
New York offers a chock full of ways to be inspired. And for this reason I am taking a weekend trip to NYC to work in cafes and crank out the last articles in my series.