Monday, March 30, 2009


Volunteer effort can produce important results. The problem is volunteering has declined in the US. "In these times citizen service becomes even more vital to the health of our nation's communities," said the Washington Post. There is growing recognition of the importance of volunteering from spending time reading to children, donating blood, or working at a soup kitchen can have a huge impact. According to the Washington Post, "If large numbers of Americans swapped one hour of TV a week for service, volunteer rates would skyrocket and communities would improve their social and economic well-being."

Personally, the rewards of volunteering have been significant. I spend my Saturdays volunteering at 826 in Roxbury. I learn to work with children who are less privileged than I was growing up. Volunteering has also given me a higher sense of community. I feel more at home in Boston knowing that I am working to improve the condition of my city.

Clip of Dave Eggers, founder of 826 National: