When I am in New York, I'm guaranteed a smile. Sometimes it's from the owner of a Ray's Pizza joint or the toothless grandma watching fast-walkers or a Brooklyn cutie peeking over his Bulgakov novel.
Somehow the weight of world dissipates when I'm visiting this bright city even on a cold January day.
New York tends to be thought of as the major incubator of creativity, its the driving force of art and architecture, writing, fashion and music. Always taking us in dynamic and innovative directions. New York is our connection with the rest of the world to the art scene.
Looking at any New York event calendar, you will find traveling art exhibits, speakeasies, creative dining, to live performances, and film happenings, it's surprising that so much can go on in one city all the time.
New York offers a chock full of ways to be inspired. And for this reason I am taking a weekend trip to NYC to work in cafes and crank out the last articles in my series.
At the end of my trip to Austin, back in September, I met a country western musician named Dale Watson who had been performing at a bar during chicken shit bingo. Watching the band perform, I was mesmerized by Dale's style and soulful music. Striking up a conversation with him, it turned out he was a gentle being who had a curious nature too. After figuring out each other's story, Dale said he would put me and my friend on the guest-list for his performance the next night. Megan and I made a bet that he actually would (me) /wouldn't (she) follow through.
After a day out in the Texan heat, we went to the venue to cool down and listen to some music. Sure enough, our names were on the list. Dale wrapped up the set, greeted us with two Lone Star beers and we talked till the bar closed. We exchanged emails--knowing we would never see each other again.
But providence intervened one day in the form of being at the right place at the right time.
My friend Doug and I were waiting in line to get tickets to see the Noevelle Vague show in Boston. I had previously purchased my ticket and Doug was seeing if he could get one at the box office. No such luck. Doug jokingly said that he would go see this Dale Watson band pointing across the street. My mind had no recognition of the familiar name until I turned and saw it written along the side of a big ruby-red bus. I know that guy! I immediately enlisted Doug to come with me.
I had the script laid out in my muffled head of what I would say. Dale's tour manager told us to wait as Dale was changing. I filled Doug in on how I knew a country western musician. Doug was confused, but of course, laughed at the story. The tour manager signaled us to come in.
Dale greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and excitedly proclaimed, "You remembered I was playing Boston." I will say it was an extremely odd and tense minute while I explained that this was just a coincidence and I was actually seeing the band across the street. Dale didn't seem to mind.
We wrapped up our friendly conversation and I went to go see my show while Dale went to go play his. I told Doug he should go see Dale's show. "I already got a show tonight," Doug replied.
I should clarify right away here that I wasn't interested in this musician or was he in me. It would be pleasurable for me to continue on explaining this stuff with details, but I know my reader's attention spans are short and so is mine in writing this. Any proper storyteller would find huge gaps in my narrative, as I have left dialogue out, not to mention skipping over some pretty vital detail like what the hell is chicken shit bingo. I assure you, if this were a short story I would be lavishing you with details. But it's a blog post. That alone warrants me to keep it short.
After an exhausting day, I require more than sustenance, I need to be nourished, and more often that comes in the form of a home-cooked meal accompanied by a movie.
Walking home on the sludgy January streets, I come across an illuminated sign that reads "Savenor's" in extravagant script. I'm hungry and excited. I stop in to pick up my essential ingredients for what I'm craving. Next to the wine and cheese cask for a cheap malbec and solid ash cheese.
I wander back to my house with groceries in hand. I sit cross-legged, laptop in lap searching for a recipe for tonight. I file the recipe in my mental reference library and start to prep the supplies. I unpeel the paper to reveal a pink mound of flesh. Because the fish is so fresh it doesn't need much time to cook. Hunger pangs grow, dinner ready in twenty minutes. The prospects are good.
Food is cooked, wine is cracked, and now it's time for a movie. A high-tech system is not required for a pleasurable watching experience. The dichotomy of movies I get on Netflix makes my space into a powerful environment. It could be tragedy, violence, romantic, or cartoon. Tonight it's Moon.
There'll be a lot more days like this, but I don't mind it. A good dinner and movie can make you almost glad it is cold outside. I watch the movie and eat comforted by the reassuring flavor.
*The picture above is of Julia Child's autograph in sidewalk at Savenor's, Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass.
Down highway 1 on the pilgrimage to Key West I went, tongue lolling, belly grumbling. The highway looked like the tropics, palms, mom n' pop Cuban restaurants a sunny stretch as the abnormally cold climate bustled people around.
Now I don't know how the endless summer image was conjured up in my head, but I expected a big honking ocean with surfers and children swimming alike all askew with people swarming around the water like fruit flies to a rotten peach baking in the beating sun. Not so! When I say it was cold, I mean it was the coldest it's been for 130 years! If I couldn't have sun at least I would have a decent meal.
I was greeted with a pleasant old school tiled patio in front of a turquoise shack, and a host of locals chatting away and stuffing their faces happily. I knew by the smell that this was the Cuban food I wanted to try.
I began with my order to a guy with a paper hat, he answered with the patience of one who talks to the unknowing often. So I order, his eyes widening with every item after entree number three. Yes it's just for me.
Rubbing my hands together, I devoured the salad with camarones cocktail, a sort of watery salsa. The Cuban sandwich had a vegetable medley, spicy in flavor and came on a fresh Cuban white bread. Nevertheless, I'd glady order them up again. And let's be honest, when you're living on a dime, there's no better place (especially in the Keys) to fill up for under a five!
My friend Rachel is getting married (I know, I know just like the movie) and I'm flying out tomorrow for a short weekend trip. It will be nice to get out of the cold and see my good friend get married.
I had no idea Ann Cooper — one of the brightest talents among the new school of thinking about children's nutrition — would do an appearance on The Daily Show. Samantha Bee devised an evocative clip labeling Cooper as a limousine liberal. This informed the heck out of me.
While doing research for my interview with the "Renegade Lunch Lady" Ann Cooper, I found this interesting talk with Marc Bittman, food columnist at the New York Times. Bittman explains what the problems are with a Western diet and how American eating habits are leading us down a path of destruction. What can we do about it? Watch to learn how to cut down on calories while reducing your carbon footprint.